Lesson 01 – Variables

A variable is used by a program to store a value. In Perl, there are three different types of variables.

  • Scalar – one value of either a number, a string, a dualvar, a reference or undef
  • Array – a set of values of indexed values starting with position 0
  • Hash – a set of key-value pairs

Scalars use $ in front of the variable name. Array use @ in front of the variable name. Hashes use % in front of the variable name.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $pizza = "plain";
my @pizza = ("plain", "pepperoni", "supreme", "veggie");
my %pizza = ("plain" => 5, "pepperoni" => 7, "supreme" => 6, "veggie" => 4);

print "The pizza I ordered is ", $pizza, "\n";
print "The second pizza on the menu is ", $pizza[1], "\n";
print "The restaurant has ", scalar(@pizza), " kinds of pizza\n";
print "The restaurant has ", scalar(keys(%pizza)), " kinds of pizza\n";
print "The restaurant has ", $pizza{"veggie"}, " of the veggie pizzas\n";

When you run this program, it will print this on the screen:

The pizza I ordered is plain
The second pizza on the menu is pepperoni
The restaurant has 4 kinds of pizza
The restaurant has 4 kinds of pizza
The restaurant has 4 of the veggie pizzas

Like in many other programming languages, arrays start at position 0 for the first element, position 1 for the second element, position 2 for the the third element, etc.

The function scalar() counts the total number of elements of a list.

The function keys() grabs the keys of a hash and puts it in a list.

When you want to grab a value from a hash, you put the key value in between curly braces.

It’s important to understand the context of which you are using variables. Is the variable in scalar context or list context?

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